Alsin pathways

Resilience and competence

Alsin pathways

Having gone through alot when I was young have learnt the hard way for survival.With the pressure of underworld such as peer pressure,it has strengthen me and realize how I can be that resilient even thou sometimes it's about luck but I had to pull it together without stopping any soon.As far of that much pain and agony inside also shame fighting all together inside me.Too much for one person.Our mistakes are our lessons and best teachers.I had to go through thick and heavy to come this far and realization of competence in everystep and time in life as well as resilience I got,not giving up has made me reach far and tat wat make me going in everyday life.

This is my story 

Référence: Yegon
Emission: alsin 2024-02-23 16:31:27
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Alsin pathways

Having gone through alot when I was young have learnt the hard way for ...



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